
  • Flower show coming soon

    GREEN fingered enthusiasts can enjoy the best of Sedgemoor's flowers at the West Huntspill Spring Show. The event also features floral art, craft, cookery, photography and children's classes. The show takes place at the Balliol Hall on Saturday, March

  • Harrods helps NBCS

    HARRODS and the Al Fayed Charitable Trust have put their hands into their pockets to assist a Highbridge-based group dedicated to helping blind children. The two organisations are supporting the National Blind Children's Society for the second year running

  • Village hall benefits from community grant

    BRENT Knoll Parish Hall has once again benefited from a community grant, enabling its management committee to purchase a set of new tables. Funds were put forward by Brent county councillor, Alan Ham, as part of £5,000 granted to all county councillors

  • Wedmore man's 60 seconds of stardom

    A SEDGEMOOR filmmaker walked down the red carpet at the Bafta Awards after winning a regional competition. Neil Kendall, 24, from Wedmore, won the West of England regional heat of a short film competition organised by Bafta. Together with London based